My Blog


Weather: SNOWY???

Mood: Relieved

Listening to: Queen of Venus

What a year, huh? Happy February everyone!! I hope 2025 is treating you all nicely :o)

Midterms (part 1) are over!! I've got a little more free time than usual! Time to do nothing with it like usual... I'm too tired all the time... sigh......

My birthday was last week as well! I spent the weekend relaxing and recharging with my family! Thank you everyone for your birthday wishes!!

Almost being in my 20s is so crazy... Why am I almost old... Scary...... there's still so much I have to do!! I don't feel ready yet!

Weatherwise, it's been super cold here lately! We got some snow earlier (super rare) and it might freeze over... here's to hoping classes get cancelled?


Weather: A Little Cloudy

Mood: Bored

Listening to: Cantarella

Long time no update!!! Happy 2025!

Finals week came and went (and took my sanity with it) and I spent the entire winter break sleeping in and recuperating instead of being productive. I feel better now though so it was still time well spent but I wish I had energy to do literally anything else... man......

Winter quarter just started too! I'm back on the college grind but I don't have any 8:30s so I won't be as exhausted :) Here's hoping I don't get swamped with assignments every day again :(

I started a new sketchbook for the new year and it's been very fun customizing it and drawing random things in it! I'm hoping to get better at dynamic poses and avoiding same face syndrome this year.

I'm super excited for Deltarune chapters 3 and 4 to release! They're coming any minute now... I can feel it...